Development of Territories
Development of Territories
It is not only businesses but also cities, territories, and districts that have to face the challenge of global competition.
InnVenture provides a wide range of consulting services aimed at favoring innovation and local development.
These services include:

Innovation, Science, and Territory
Innovation Policy for regions and territories
Technology Development Plan for regions and territories
Reconversion and diversification of productive structures
Knowledge and Technology transfer
Planning & Design of Infrastructures for Research and Innovation
International Technological agreements
Roadmap for large research and innovation infrastructures involving public actors, enterprises, universities at a regional and supra-regional level
Public-Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
Local Development
Co-design and development of new regional development models
Strategic Plans for Cities and Industrial Districts
Airport strategy and development
Aggregation of SMEs and their international development
Foreign investment attraction to strengthen the local economy
Design of Investment initiatives
International marketing of such a territory
Public-Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
Handicraft 4.0
Agriculture 4.0

Re-use of brownfield sites
Big data-driven site strategy
Redevelopment projects
Public policy monitoring and evaluation regarding brownfields and neighborhoods
Business planning for investment projects
Site marketing and promotion of development projects
Roadshow and partner search
Public/private investment plan & partnership definition
Project Management
Architectural planning and development