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about 3000 people across the shibuya crossing at a time__they look like army of ants from


Organizzare per innovare
Organizing for Innovation.
Advanced client-supplier relationships
by Adriano De Maio & Enrico Maggiore
preface by Lucio Stanca
IBM Foundation Book Series

The book was published in 1992, but it still remains an important reference in management theory. The book shows the benefits of a codesign relationship between customer and supplier. The key point is co-innovation and co-development of new products. Some successful cases describe the evolution of the customer-supplier relationship in a hi-tech and mid-tech manufacturing context. The cases reveal the growth opportunities arising from a collaborative model that is based on a systematic exchange of knowledge, information and intangibles.  The competitive advantages are for both customers and suppliers. Finally, the book proposes a model of reference of an "advanced relationship customer-supplier". In 1992, the Internet did not yet exist. At that time, the most advanced communication technology was EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), which allowed only "point-to-point" connections. The company cases concern IBM, FIAT, Siemens, Honda, ABB, BTicino and Alcatel.​ Read More >​​​

Definire le politiche monitorare risultati
Defining politics and monitoring results
by Gian Carlo Vecchi e Giuseppe Gioioso
Public Function Department Book Series

This handbook is the result of the Workshop "Integration of Planning and Strategic Control Tools" promoted by the Department of Public Function of the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers. The book reveals that many cities in Italy use "formal processes" to define policies, strategies and projects. They also adopt specific tools for monitoring, control and evaluation of results. The book emphasizes the originality and integration of the different configurations adopted in relation to specific strategic and organizational goals and contexts. Among others, the book describes the case of the Municipality of Caltagirone. In particular, it explores the model of the Strategic Development Plan 2004-2011 developed by InnVenture. The Plan has received three national awards: within the Forum PA (2007 and 2008) and within the Real Estate Expo in Milan (2007). Read more > ​​


Expo 2015
Expo 2015. Just a Milanese affair or an opportunity for the country? 
by Enrico Maggiore


This article, published in 2011 by the web magazine "Alarm Milan, Hope Milan", proposed an alternative model for Expo 2015 in Milan. A project aimed at economic growth and enhancement of know-how in agriculture. A model that considers international cooperation as the cornerstone of the event. In these terms, an exhibition of technologies and innovations in agriculture instead of a "festival of food and cuisine" (as it actually was). The article also proposes a strong involvement of Italian regions in several food security initiatives that address the needs of developing countries. These initiatives should have begun as early as 2011.  Finally, two objectives are assigned to the city of Milan: to return to being the engine of the Italian economy and to show the world its key cultural elements: concreteness and solidarity.

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Anchor 3
Silicon Solutions
Silicon Solutions. Helping plants to help themselves. A holistic review
by Edward Bent


There is a large body of scientific research and knowledge on the benefits to plants of an adequate supply of silicon, yet few books (if any) have attempted to transform the resulting academic information into a form more accessible to the practical interests and needs of growers and agronomists. As such it is the first of its type. Of particular note, it also emphasizes the important contributions that silicon can make to improving the internal quality of produce and its post-harvest characteristics in terms of nutritional value, packing, transport, storage, and distribution.

The effects of silicon on plants cannot be considered separately from its influence on soil structure, soil microorganisms and in the context of plant stress dynamics – because silicon has beneficial effects in ALL of these areas. The work is divided into sections addressed to agricultural, horticultural and floricultural crops together with a series of tables showing positive results obtained from the use of silicon. It is written in a straightforward style and is amply illustrated. Read more > ​​

Anchor 4
RE-USE Ragusa.
Sustainable strategies to revive the city center
by Carlo Alberto Maggiore


Ragusa is the chief town of the southernmost province of Italy and one of the eight towns in south-eastern Sicily that in 2002 have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List for the innovation of their urban plans and the architectural values of their late Baroque monuments.

The book concerns the regeneration of the historic center of Ragusa Superiore, the "new town" built on a higher plateau after the earthquake which destroyed the old city in 1693. More in-depth, the book deals with the results of an extensive program of study and design experience on the city and its environment that the Municipality of Ragusa is developing together with the Polytechnic of Milan, in view of its general urban plan revision.

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Copertina_Il sud Esiste.jpg
South exists
Fifty years of professional commitment to the South by an economist from Lombardy, reread with a current and future perspective.
by Marco Vitale

This book is a collection of the author's writings and professional experiences in Southern Italy over a period of fifty years. These experiences are reread with a current and future perspective. The objective is to highlight the mistakes made in Southern Italy in order to take new paths useful to both the North and the South. The Coronavirus experience that united the country in a common suffering but also in an exemplary collective reaction is read together with an honest critique of the mistakes of the past. There is a common thread linking these professional interventions in the South. A red thread represented by some principles and deep convictions that were born, not in the South and for the South, but in a much wider context. From the study of history, economics, and international professional experience.  These principles and convictions have found in the southern experience many opportunities for comparison, deepening, refinement, and confirmation, both positive and negative.

At Vitale's request, the book contains a chapter written by Enrico Maggiore on the development project for the city of Caltagirone that was led by Innventure: "Many missed opportunities in the Sturzo's city". 

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